Future market of air source heat pump cultivation

In the cold winter, people can rely on heating and air conditioning for winter heating. So, what should animals use to keep warm?   During the winter, the water temperature should be kept at 16-20 ℃, for example, when the water temperature is over 20 ℃, the fish eat vigorously, the activity is enhanced, the oxygen consumption is large, and the water quality is easy to deteriorate. At this time, water flushing and other methods should be used to reduce the temperature; if the water temperature is too low, the fish eat weakly, the fish are thin and easy to get sick, heating equipment should be used to keep the water temperature relatively stable. Most of the farmers' equipment is still backward in winter, and they only rely on the boiler burning mode, which not only pollutes the environment, but also has a relatively slow heating speed and inaccurate temperature control. In addition, when the sea water is to be cooled in summer, cooling equipment shall be provided. The traditional method of extracting groundwater and mixing it directly into seawater to reduce the temperature of seawater is a serious waste of groundwater resources, but also destroys the water environment needed for aquaculture.   Turning to animal husbandry, air energy heat pump is totally different from ordinary heat pump in application object and application environment; taking pig farm as an example, the application object is pig, so the design and selection are totally different, even higher requirements; the application environment is also much worse, facing the corrosion of ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and other corrosive gases in the breeding farm, so the material and work of air energy heat pump Art has higher requirements.   Due to the large scale of animal husbandry and the prevalence of CSFV in Africa, the traditional cooling and ventilation mode of wet curtain + negative pressure fan can no longer meet the requirements of large-scale and modern animal husbandry enterprises for animal husbandry environmental control. As one of the cold and heat sources, air energy heat pump has become one of the main equipment selection of animal husbandry environmental control system.   Because the traditional greenhouse heating equipment needs some combustibles such as coal and oil to be able to use, it not only consumes more energy, but also causes serious pollution. Taking the coal-fired boiler as an example, according to the calculation of the greenhouse with a span of 8m, a length of 80m and a volume of 1383m, if the coal-fired boiler is used for heating, the temperature in the greenhouse will increase by 3.0 ℃, and nearly 1 ton of coal will be consumed every day. In Northern Henan and other regions, the indoor and outdoor temperature difference sometimes exceeds 30 ℃ in winter, and the total energy consumption converted is very high. Not only that, this kind of coal-fired heating furnace equipment in operation, but also need special personnel on duty, labor cost is also very high. In such a large environment, air energy heat pump is undoubtedly the best choice to replace the traditional heating equipment. Heat pump heating is not only uniform and fast, but also can intelligently control the temperature in the vegetable greenhouse, which is suitable for constant temperature heating in the vegetable greenhouse.