Geothermal Heat Pump Frequently Asked Questions——Part 1

What is a geothermal heat pump? A geothermal heat pump (also called a ground source heat pump) is a renewable alternative to a furnace or boiler. It’s a critical component of a geothermal system.  A geothermal system is made of 2 major parts: A geothermal heat pump that sits inside your home (typically where the furnace used to sit) Underground pipes, called ground loops, installed in your yard below the frost line The key difference between furnaces and geothermal heat pumps is the heat source being used to warm the home. A typical furnace creates heat by burning oil or gas in its combustion chamber, whereas a geothermal heat pump simply moves heat from the ground that already exists. Additionally, while furnaces and boilers can only heat, many geothermal heat pumps (like Dandelion Geothermal) can heat and cool.  How do geothermal systems work? Simply put, a geothermal system pulls heat from the ground to heat your home in the winter, and it dumps heat from your home into the ground to cool it in the summer. That explanation might sound a little science fiction, but geothermal systems operate quite similarly to the refrigerator in your kitchen.  Just a few feet below the frost line, the ground is a constant ~50 degrees Fahrenheit year round.  A water-based solution circulates through underground pipes where it absorbs the ground’s heat and is carried into the geothermal heat pump. The solution exchanges its heat with the liquid refrigerant inside the heat pump. The refrigerant is then vaporized and passed through a compressor where its temperature and pressure are increased. Finally, the hot vapor enters a heat exchanger where it transfers its heat to the air. This hot air is distributed through the home’s ductwork and warmed to whatever temperature set on the thermostat.    Are geothermal heat pumps effective in cold climates? Yes, geothermal heat pumps can and do work just fine in cold winter climates. While people might experience seasonal changes above ground, the earth below the frostline is unaffected at 50 degrees.    Remark: Some of the articles are taken from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact us to delete it. If you’re interesting in heat pump products,please feel free to contact OSB heat pump company,we are your best choice.