How many solar panels do I need for a heat pump?

When it comes to solar panels, the more you can fit on the roof the better. Too few panels and they could barely power even the smallest of electrical devices.   As discussed above, if you want solar energy to power your heat pump, the solar panel system would probably need to be at least 26 m2, though you may benefit from having more than this.   Solar panels can vary in size depending on the manufacturer, but they’re bigger than you might think. On a house, they look relatively small, but each panel is around 1.6 metres tall by one metre wide. They have a thickness of about 40mm. The panels need to have a large surface area so that they can take in as much sunlight as possible.   The number of panels you will need depends on the size of the system you want. Typically, four solar panels are needed per one kW system. Therefore, a one kW system will need four solar panels, a two kW system eight panels, a three kW system 12 panels and a four kW system 16 panels. The latter creates an estimated surface area of around 26 m2. Bear in mind that a four kW system is ideal for a household of three to four people. For more residents than this, you may need a five or six kW system that could require up to 24 panels and take up to 39 m2.   These figures will be dependent on your roof size and your location, meaning you may need more or less.   If you’re considering having a heat pump installed, and using solar panels to power it, you should ensure that you get a suitably qualified engineer to look at your home. They will be able to advise you on how to make your home more efficient (for example, by installing double glazing, additional insulation, etc.) so that less electricity is needed to power the pump to replace the heat that is lost. They should also be able to tell you where the heat pump can go and how many solar panels you will need.   It’s absolutely worth getting professional advice so that the installation goes smoothly.