Limitation of fryer and dehydrator

LIMITATIONS OF AIR FRYERS An air fryer has a few limitations when it comes to cooking. If you have a very large family, even the largest air fryers may not have enough capacity to feed the whole family. Air Fryers are best used with families of 4 or less. Air fryers depend on hot air circulation to cook the food, so if you overcrowd the basket the interior food won't be able to cook properly and crisp up. The size of your air fryer will greatly depend on the number of people you plan to cook for. LIMITATIONS OF DEHYDRATORS The most obvious limitation of a food dehydrator is its size. It takes up a lot of space, so if you want to make a large batch of something like jerky, you’ll need a bigger machine. If you only plan to make small batches of snacks, though, then a smaller model will suffice. Keep your storage space in mind when purchased a dehydrator. Another limitation is that they don’t usually come with recipes included. So, you’ll have to find a recipe online or figure out how to adapt one from another type of appliance. Dehydrators are also a single cooking method appliance. The only thing you will be able to use a dehydrator for is for dehydrating food. TIME CONSUMPTION Air fryers take less than half the time to cook foods as ovens do. They also don’t require any oil or butter, so they’re great if you want to avoid extra calories. Food dehydrators take longer to cook but they’re perfect for drying out fruits and vegetables. Dehydrators can take up to a couple of hours to make things like beef jerky. EASY TO USE Air fryers are easy to use, but they don’t always produce the same results as ovens. They can sometimes cook foods unevenly, so you might end up with some undercooked parts and others overcooked if you don't rotate them throughout the cooking process. Food dehydrators are great because they allow you to dry out fresh fruits and vegetables without losing any nutrients. Food dehydrators also require very little to no interaction during the cooking process.