R290 DC Inverter heat pump

To protect the climate – a lower GPW heat pump is more popular.   Do you have R290 heat pump had been asked for many times ince the earlier of this year?   To meet the market demand, and help our partner with such green and eco energy saving heat pump.We osb plan to introducing the natural refrigerant R290 in our dc inverter heat pump model.   And what’s R290? why need to change to R290, what’s the advantage for it? Let us show you more in this acticle.   First question, R290 is  also known as propane, a natural refrigerant. but its high flammability. With a vrey log GWP of 3. Which is much lower than the R32 with GWP of 675.   Second question, due to the low GWP of R290, it is a pretty eco green refrigerant than the one use before like R410a, r32 etc. And R290 heat pump could with Improved COP  for lower running costs Also higher temp outlet up to 75 deg c.  ·Higher hot water comfort and legionella protection without back-up heater with a  wide working envelope.   We OSB heat pump factory going to have R290 dc inverter geothermal heat pump below. See more specification in below.   We are happy to provide the full details about this R290 dc inverter heat pump., feel free to email us.