Two Systems of Air To Water Heat Pump

As we know that air to water heat pump is a low-carbon heating method. They absorb latent heat from the outside air and use it to raise the indoor temperature. Air to water heat pumps look similar to air conditioning units. Their size depends on how much heat they need to generate for your home - the more heat, the bigger the heat pump. There are two main types of air to heat pump system: air to water and air to air. They work in different ways and are compatible with different types of heating systems.      With the development of energy in Europe, heat pump is slowly replacing gas boiler and becoming the water heater in the mainstream market. As we mentioned before, an air to water heat pump system is a piece of mechanical equipment that extracts heat from the air and uses it to heat hot water. In the waterside tab you can choose air-source heat pumps as a way of making heating hot water to heat the building. Air to water heat pump water heater are usually used for low temperature heating like radiant panel heating, radiators or sometimes fan coils. What are the main components of air to water heat pump water heater? The air to water heat pump system consists of the following parts: 1. Evaporator: evaporator is a very important component of air source heat pump. The low-temperature condensate "liquid" body exchanges heat with the outside air through the evaporator, and "gas" absorbs heat to achieve the effect of refrigeration; 2. Condenser: it can transfer the heat in the pipe to the air near the pipe in a fast way; 3. Compressor: it is a driven fluid machine that can lift low-pressure gas to high-pressure. It is the heart of air heat source pump; 4. Expansion valve: the expansion valve is an important part of the air heat source pump, which is generally installed between the liquid reservoir and the steam generator. The expansion valve makes the liquid refrigerant with medium temperature and high pressure become wet steam with low temperature and low pressure through its throttling, and then the refrigerant absorbs heat in the evaporator to achieve the refrigeration effect. The expansion valve controls the valve flow through the change of superheat at the end of the evaporator to prevent insufficient utilization of evaporator area and cylinder knocking.