What Does heat pump ErP mean?

When it comes to buying a new heat pump, there can be some unfamiliar terms or phrases that describe a heat pump's ability/ measure its performance. Key takeaways ErP is a measurement of how energy efficient a heat pump is when providing the heat for a property. Most modern heat pumps are rated 'A' 90% or above efficient.   One of these potentially tricky, technical terms is ‘ErP’, but don’t worry, in this blog we’re going to be breaking down the meaning of this heating acronym, and why it's important to pay attention to this measurement whenever it’s applied to a heat pump you’re interested in purchasing. ErP Explained  ErP stands for Energy-Related Products and is a way of measuring an energy consuming appliance, such as a heat pump’s, efficiency in converting the energy it uses into the desired product, heat for your property and its water. ErP was introduced in 2009 by the European Union in order to increase the clarity of an appliance’s function and aid in the sharing of information from manufacturer to consumer, all the while promoting an eco-consciousness for both. Energy Labelling This aspect of ErP is to inform consumers with complete transparency, the energy efficiency of the product they are buying, and its subsequent likelihood of affecting their energy bills. Appliances are rated in energy efficiency classifications from G to A (A+++ for certain types of appliance); the higher the assigned alphabetical number rating, the more efficient the appliance is in terms of its energy usage. Eco Design All modern appliances must be designed to meet specific criteria in terms of eco-consciousness and environmental friendliness, any appliance that does not meet this prerequisite criteria is prohibited from being sold.   For most homes in the Europe, the cost of heating and hot water can be a very pricey expenditure, with the Energy Saving Trust suggesting over half a home's monthly financial outgoings are spent in this area. Therefore ensuring your heat pump is as efficient as can be could save you money as well as keep you toasty. At the moment, our house heating/cooling+DHW heat pumps have passed ErP A+++ label. Feel free to contact us to know more details.